Tuesday, August 19, 2008

WANTED!!! Stampers & Scrappers
Yup, that's right, YOU are wanted! Didn't know that did you?
I want you to be in my next Stamper's 6 Club. New to the club? Wondering just what the heck I'm babbling about? Let me explain . . .
A Stamper's 6 Club is a group of 6 people, who can be friends or strangers, who agree to place an order with a minimum of $25 each, once every other month. Orders are generally due on the 10th and will be placed together to form a Workshop. With that workshop, Hostess Benefits will be awarded, once per month, to each of the hostesses.
For example:
Amy contacts me first, so she is the "Hostess" for August 2008. Then Jennifer and Keri sign up and are the hostesses for October and December 2008 respectively. The rest of the months will be assigned to hostesses in the order in which they sign up until every other month of the year is filled up, ending with June 2009.
Each member gets a minimum of a Level I hostess set, as well as a minimum of $15 free hostess dollars. If you choose to host a in-home workshop the month you are hostess you can greatly increase your hostess benefits. You can also choose to gather extra outside orders during your hostess month in order to increase your benefits. Club members are also the first to hear of specials and also receive certain perks throughout the year.
I currently have one club that is in need of 4 members. Any additional members will be assigned to the next club.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please let me know asap so we can secure your spot!
Have a great day! (stampers names above have been changed to protect the innocent... LOL.. Not really).



Anonymous said...

Count me in. I think I can afford $25.00 every other month!! Sounds cool. By the way, did ya ever find your scallop punch???
Talk to ya soon,

Girl can Knit - Cherry Lane Knit Stamp Quilt said...

How did your event go missy???